Friday 6 January 2012

What is self image,Every day is a new life,Try to be happy,

"The more realist a person is ,the more happy the person is".

Once there was a man who had two sons.
His sons were very intelligent and curious.They usually would ask difficult question from their sons
to judge the level of his intelligence.
Once the father asked ;"Why man is unhappy in the world?"
One of his son replied that man every time objects to the thorns of a rose plant.He does not thank God for giving roses in a thorny plant.We should also look at the rose and not mention the thorns in out life.

Happiness is an ultimate goal for every human being.Happiness starts from oneself.It has nothing to do with the  outer environment .We are searching for joys,and amusement in the world but it lies in ourselves.The search ,the hunt for happiness should
start from our own head.A person who  is not happy with himself ,generally has four types of perception regarding the world.

1)The world is not OK; I am also not OK.
2)The world is not OK;I am OK.
3)The world is not OK;but I am not OK.
4)The world is not OK;as well as i am OK.

Man does not remain in static position .His health ,and mood change with time . Same is the perception about the world and ourselves.If a person is happy,he think that every thing is OK ,but is he is not happy,nothing amuses him,so we should keep in our heart and mind.

"Nothing is wrong with the people of the world"..We must start every day with a new hope and end it deliriously.Every day is a new life.Every days has it's own joys and sorrows and the shadow of the past and the future can make its face dark.We should think about today and not for tomorrow as our views and piratical life should be in a complete harmony.It is only than that we can attain.

Self image is more important than the point of view of another person about oneself.A happy person has healthy views about his looks profession ,family and every thing belonging to him.We should think about those things ,which we can achieve and we should work for those things ,which are achievable.Depression is the killer of joy.

The more realist a person is ,the more happy the person is.Reliance along with dutifulness  is also necessary.It has most enjoyable rest that man takes after completing his duty.

So, start a hunt for happy life from your own self,the inner core of your heart and never wait for some else to come and heal your wound and make you happy is neither lies in wealth nor in profession.So always try to be happy.


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